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Gerhard W. Weber

His current research activities centre on the evolution, growth and development of humans, their ancestors, and their closest relatives. Main focus is the quantitative analysis and comparison of hominoid skulls using geometric properties. Within the Department he leads the working group "Virtual Anthropology" (multidisciplinary extension of anthropology into the digital world), he has been field director several times of our plio-pleistocene investigations in Ethiopia, and he is coordinator of several research projects, including one just funded by the EU for € 3.3 Mio (EVAN).

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Latest content created by this user

2.5 Data Archive
Creation of the EVAN Space in NESPOS 2007-03-04
CT scans of fossil hominids - Gibraltar 2007-03-04
CT scans of fossil hominids - Swanscombe 2007-03-04
1.3 Strategic Contacts/interactions
UNVI is partner in US-network for biomechanical modelling of hominin crania 2008-02-02
[···] 2008-02-02
Coordinator meeting Bussels 2008-02-02
Collaboration Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Novosibirsk 2007-02-06
Collaboration Kenya National Museum Nairobi 2007-02-05
1.4 Development of collaborations
Collaboration with, 2008-02-02
Cranial morphology of Hylobates and Pongo 2008-02-02
Joint research project "Mandibular morphology" 2008-02-02
Application of micro-Stereolithography in anthropological science 2007-02-06
2.2 Exhibitions
Virtual Anthropology at the exhibition "Das Geheimnis der Wolkenmenschen" 2007-02-05
2.7 Grants/Funding
The Mechanics of Primate and Early Hominid Feeding within the Context of Hypotheses about Australopithecine Diets 2008-02-02
4.6 Fellows have access to infrastructure ...
EVAN fellow and administration room at UNVI 2007-02-06
1.5 Invitations SIC/Fellow/Staff
[···] 2008-02-02
South African digital fossils 2007-02-05
Rapid Prototyping workshop FH Plus 2007-02-06
3.4 Response in public media
Daily Telegraph, Press response in UK to Virtúal Reconstruction 2008-02-02
Der Standard, Press report in Austria about Virtual Anthropology 2008-02-02
EVAN introduction in "Die Presse" 2007-02-06
JHE Advertisement 2007-02-06
EVAN info in Science magazine 2007-02-06
4.1 EVAN-Partner(s)/fellow(s) organising
EVAN Summer School 2007-02-06
Toolbox meeting UNVI 2007-02-06
Introductory course for the use of the Breuckmann surface scanner 2007-02-06
3.5 Administrative or scientific pioneering tasks
Online discussion board EVAN 2008-02-02
Online-reporting tool for EVAN 2008-02-02
EVAN Flyer 2007-02-05
EVAN Online Reporting Tool 2007-02-06
2.1 Publications
Origins of modern human diversity; Subdivided ancestral population in Pleistocene Africa. 2009-01-09
The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Australopithecus africanus. 2009-01-09
Was sexual dimorphism in Homo erectus as large as in Gorilla? A reassessment of the ER-1813 cranium in the light of hominoid allometries. 2008-02-02
Tooth shape and enamel thickness variation in primate teeth: An approach using topographic thickness maps. 2008-02-02
Masticatory biomechanics in Australopithecus africanus examined using finite element analysis: a preliminary study based on Sts 5. 2008-02-02
4.5 EVAN Partner organising individual training
PH.D. project collaboration UNVI-BREU 2007-02-06
1.1 Visits SICs/Fellows/Staff
Opening of the EVAN exhibition in Frankfurt 2008-02-02
CO visit z-werkzeugbau, Dornbirn 2008-02-02
Initation to the British Festival of Science, York 2007 2008-02-02
CO visit GEO Hamburg 2008-02-02
CO visit Université Paul Sabatier 2008-02-02
3.2 Creation of webcontents
EVAN logo and layout 2007-02-06
All content created by Gerhard W. Weber…