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47 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Remodeling activities under Reflected Light Microscope [1%] by elkranio, 2011-02-01 12:32
a) Depository fields with fibers of collagen, b) Depository (left) and resorptive (right) areas c) and d) Resorptive surface with characteristic Howship´s ...
[···] [1%] by elkranio, 2010-12-24 20:40
[···] [1%] by elkranio, 2009-12-23 11:39
Figure 1: Remodeling activities under Reflected Light Microscope. a) Depository fields with fibers of collagen, b) Depository (left) and resorptive (right) areas c) and d) Resorptive surface with characteristic Howship´s lacunae. [1%] by elkranio, 2009-12-18 19:44
Figure 1: Remodeling activities under Reflected Light Microscope. a) Depository fields with fibers of collagen, b) Depository (left) and resorptive (right) areas c) and d) Resorptive surface with characteristic Howship´s lacunae. [1%] by elkranio, 2009-12-18 19:40
The Neandertals from El Sidrón (Asturias, Spain). Updating of a new sample. [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-05 13:29
Remodeling patterns of occipital growth: A preliminary report [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-05 13:08
Cioclovina: A virtual assessment of endocranial morphology in an early European fossil [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-05 12:57
Cioclovina: A virtual assessment of endocranial morphology in an early European fossil-collaboration with K. Harvati [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 23:28
Advanced workshop in Forensic Anthropology. Traumatized bone: recognition and analysis. [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 23:23
EVAN Workshop on: The transition from Archaic to Modern: Quantitative approaches. [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 23:19
Evan workshop: Applying the EVAN toolkit in VA, medicine, industry [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 23:18
Career orientation workshop: Life after EVAN [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 23:15
EVAN summer school: Multivariate Techniques for Growth and Evolution [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 23:11
A geometric-morphometric study of the cretan humerus for sex identification. [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 23:05
Remodeling patterns of occipital growth: A preliminary report [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 23:02
3D imaging in Anthropology - special exhibition in Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main. [1%] by elkranio, 2009-10-04 22:54
pdf_button [1%] by elkranio, 2009-03-10 19:11
[···] [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-30 19:32
Annual monitoring [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-11 17:25
EVAN MIDTERM MEETING in Paris [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-11 17:20
Workshop in Geometric-Morphometrics Febr.25-28, 2008 by Marcus Bastir [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-11 17:04
Training in Viewbox [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-11 16:59
EVAN Intensive Training Course: Bone histology and growth (CSIC) + growth and development of the craniofacial complex (DHAL) [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-11 15:51
Comparative morphology and morphometric assessment of the occipitals from the El Sidrón Neanderthals (Asturias, Northern Spain [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-11 15:07
Dental tissue proportions and enamel thickness in Neandertal and modern human molars [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-11 14:09
Suggested guidelines for invasive sampling of hominid remains [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-11 14:02
Advanced workshop in Forensic Anthropology. Traumatized bone: recognition and analysis [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-10 17:15
Morphometric Data Aquisition and Analysis [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-10 17:10
Brain Evolution, Development and Morphometrics Workshop [1%] by elkranio, 2008-12-10 17:09