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by Ben Ali Qualid last modified 2007-08-24 15:50





- Ali Walid (2006) "Developping 2D and 3D multiagent geosimulation, a method and its application: The case of shopping behavior geosimulation in Square One mall (Toronto)". Ph.D Thesis, Université Laval, January 2006.

Journals, Conferences and Workshops


- Sahli Nabil and Ali Walid (2004). "La géosimulation : Des centres commerciaux aux feux de forêts", Symposium Geomatics2004, Montréal, Québec Canada, 26-28 October 2004. (Abstract (Sahli and Ali, 2004)).


- Ali Walid and Moulin Bernard (2005). "Towards a generic approach to develop 2D-3D Multiagent Geo-simulation", in Proceedings of the Agent Directed Simulation (ADS’05) (Part of the 2005 Spring Simulation MultiConference (SpringSim’05)), San Diego, California(USA), 2-7 April 2005. (Ali and Moulin, 2005a)


- Ali Walid and Moulin Bernard (2005), “Towards a generic approach to develop 2D-3D MultiAgent GeoSimulation: Simulating shopping behavior in a mall”, GEOIDE’s 7th annual scientific conference, Quebec, Quebec (Canada), 29-30 May 2005. (Best Poster Award).


- Moulin Bernard and Ali Walid (2005). "Perception-Based multi-agent geo-simulation in the service of retail location decision-making in a shopping mall", in the Canadian Journal of Regional Science (CJRC). (Moulin and Ali, 2005a) (Accepted and not published yet).


- Ali Walid and Moulin Bernard (2005). "Developing 2D-3D agent-based simulation in geographic environment: An approach and its application to simulate shopping behavior in a mall", in Proceeding of ABS 6 (Agent Based Simulation Workshop 6). Erlangen, Bavaria (Bayern) (Germany), 12-14 September 2005. (Ali and Moulin, 2005b)


- Ali Walid and Moulin Bernard (2005). "2D-3D MultiAgent GeoSimulation with knowledge-based agents of customer’s shopping behavior in a shopping mall", in Proceeding of COSIT 05 (Conference On Spatial Information Theory). Ellicottville, New York (USA), 14-18 September 2005. (Ali and Moulin, 2005c)


- Ali Walid and Moulin Bernard (2005). "2D-3D MultiAgent GeoSimulation with knowledge-based agents of customer’s shopping behavior in a shopping mall", in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (Ali and Moulin, 2005d)


- Moulin Bernard and Ali Walid (2005). "A Multi-Agent Geo-Simulation approach to assess the impact of environment changes on crowd behavior", in Proceeding of the first international workshop on crowd simulation (V-CROWDS’ 05), EPFL, VRLab, Lausanne(Switzerland), November 24-25, 2005. (Moulin and Ali, 2005b)


- Ali Walid and Moulin Bernard (2005). "How artificial intelligent agents do shopping in a virtual mall: A ‘believable’ and ‘usable’ multiagent-based simulation of customer’s shopping behavior in a mall", The 19 th Canadian AI’06 (Quebec, Quebec City, Canada), 7-9 June 2006. (Ali and Moulin, 2005e)


- Ali Walid and Moulin Bernard, Yvan Bédard, Marie-Josée Proulx, and Sonia Rivest (2005). "Coupling MultiAgent Geosimulation and SOLAP for better géosimulation data analysis", To be submitted to Computer, Environment, and Urban Systems Journal. (Ali et al., 2005) (Submitted)



Papers in preparation:

- Ali Walid and Moulin Bernard (2005). "Towards social multiagent géosimulation: Multiagent simulation of social behaviors in geographic environments: The case of shopping behavior in a mall", To be submitted to the JASSS (Journal of Artificial Societies and Social simulation) (Ali and Moulin, 2005f) (In preparation)


Documents and Reports

- Ali Walid (2006) "Developping 2D and 3D multiagent geosimulation, a method and its application: The case of shopping behavior geosimulation in Square One mall (Toronto)". Ph.D Thesis, Université Laval, January 2006.


- Ali Walid (2003) "Géo-imulation Multiagent : La simulation du comportement d’achat des êtres humains dans un centre d’achat". Proposition de thèse, Université Laval, Avril 2003.
- Ali Walid (2002) "Le wayfinding et la connaissance spatiale". Examen de synthèse doctoral, Université Laval, Juillet, 2002.
- Ali Walid (2001) "Système d’indexation et de recherche des documents multimedia". Mémoire de Maîtrise en informatique, Université Laval, Juillet 2001.
- Ali Walid and Abidi Ridha (1999) "Le développement d’un méta-moteur de recherche sur Internet". Mémoire de Baccalauréat en informatique de gestion, Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Tunis, Juillet 1999.